Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Like a Kid at Christmas

Remember when you were a kid and just couldn't wait for your birthday, Christmas, or some other special event? Time would just creep by so slowly while the anxiety of anticipation consumed you. When it arrived, what an awesome day that would be! You looked forward to that moment on the edge of your seat while you day dreamed about the awesome gifts you would receive! Somehow as I've gotten older that antsy feeling just faded away. I'm just not one to get excited about an upcoming holiday. Gifts are nice and the time spent with my wife is even nicer, but I've lost that can't wait for it feeling. Kinda sad isn't it?

Over the last few weeks it's come back as I've been infected with that kid at Christmas feeling. How awesome to be back in that moment! Most of the day is spent staring at the clock while counting off the minutes. Every one of those slow passing seconds is filled trying to focus on anything but the upcoming event while my stomach churns with excitement. This time the feeling is not for an upcoming holiday - it couldn't be anything normal like that. No, I'm certified strung out waiting for the return of my Viper from the paint shop!

Bear with me, I know I sound nuts to the uninitiated. A little while back, I shared the story of my high school Camaro and all the good memories of fixing that ride up. I really miss that car. Though it will never return, I've decided to try and relive those awesome moments the only way a more then full-time employed adult can. I've outsourced the building of a new and modern version.

It's good to be a little older and a little better funded; this time it's getting done right. I've found the best paint shop in the state for working on Vipers. He does other work, but this is his love (he owns a Viper and nearly always has at least one customer car in the shop). The plan is to take my toy and paint those same high school dual black racing stripes from nose to tail. In addition, the wheels are getting the black powder coat treatment, center caps are going to be highlighted in red, and all of the logos will be switched out with matching black replacements. It's going to look sick.

I'm feeling sick. The initial plan was three weeks away. Today, we are two weeks in. Due to well justified delays, I'm betting at least another two. Christmas just can't come fast enough to this kid. Ugh, hurry up.

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