Thursday, August 1, 2013

Too cute for it's own good? - Mazda Miata

It's an old formula that's sure to make a sports car driver smile. Keep it simple. Provide a low to the ground, little, and light car. Give it a revy engine with a simple manual gear box. To ensure a great experience, rip off the top and make the car open air. Sounds like fun doesn't it? If your into cars, like me, I bet you know what I'm talking about. The Mazda Miata is an amazing machine. Just drive one. The engineers at Mazda have somehow managed to perfectly embody the happy formula in a modern vehicle.

The critics agree. Since it's launch in 1989, the Miata has had stellar scores across the auto media; from Automobile magazine to Top Gear. What's unusual is how it gets these marks. It's not because the car is the fastest or best handling. It wins simply for the smiles it generates. That's not a criticism, this car handles well and is zippy. However when you drive it, the toy handles curves, accelerates, and just plan goes like a big go kart. 

It's an enthusiasts car. Designed for those that love to drive and do so in the real world. Ever try to fly through traffic in a supercar? You just can't do it. Someone is always right in the way. When you do get an opening be assured that an officer of the law is just waiting to write you a ticket. The sad truth is that super cars and public roads are a very disappointing mix. But if you can build a car that feels awesome when it's winding along at 45, you've really got something.

It's not just fun to drive, it's a bargain to own. This thing is cheap to buy, starting at $23,720 for a brand new barely equipped rag top model. (This is the one you should buy as options don't make it any more fun.) Operating the Miata is just as reasonable with 22/28 mpg, excellent for any car that's a joy to drive. Then consider repairs and maintenance, both very affordable with simple design and broadly available and inexpensive parts. 

The general public loves the Miata. It's the best selling two seat roadster ever. Nearly one million of the little cars have been produced to a very happy club of owners. As Mazda continues to commit to the formula, there's no telling what this number could grow to be.

This is where you ask, "How many of these awesome little cars have I owned?" Let me come clean - Not that it doesn't try, but the Mazda Miata has never found it's way into my garage. From time to time when shopping for a new toy they hit my list. I've even gone for a test drive or three, however, pulling the trigger on one is something I just can't seem to do. Everything good about the Miata in my script above is right on, it's a ride that any car guy could really enjoy. This thing is just too cute, and I can't get past that. 

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